Introducing Ranked Mode


Gameplay Mode : Ranked Mode

Greetings, fellow Melojam enthusiasts! Today, we’re excited to introduce Ranked Mode, a thrilling arena where you’ll face off against fellow music aficionados in an epic battle for leaderboard supremacy.

Ranked Mode

Ranked Mode will be unlocked after completing Stage 19 of Road to Star.
Ranked Mode is divided into four instrument categories: Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, and Drum.

To participate in Ranked Mode, players must meet the minimum instrument level requirements. The required levels are as follows:
– Keyboard: Accessible upon Ranked Mode’s release
– Guitar: Level 6
– Bass: Level 8
– Drum: Level 10

Once you’ve selected your instrument, you’ll be presented with a menu displaying your current Rank, recent score history, and previous season’s ranking. To begin the game and be matched with an opponent, simply press the “Start Game” button.

Random Songs for Competitive Matches
Upon matching with an opponent, a list of five randomly selected songs will be presented, with a 10-second selection window. Each player can ban one song they don’t want to play. The system will then randomly select one of the remaining unbanned songs for that round.


Ranking Rank Logo
Bronze 3
Bronze 2
Bronze 1
Silver 3
Silver 2
Silver 1
Gold 5
Gold 4
Gold 3
Gold 2
Gold 1
Platinum 5
Platinum 4
Platinum 3
Platinum 2
Platinum 1
Diamond 5
Diamond 4
Diamond 3
Diamond 2
Diamond 1
Master 5
Master 4
Master 3
Master 2
Master 1
Super Star


Published on 8 Aug 2024
by MeloJam Team